
Top Picks for high quality, Long-Lasting Wall and Floor Tiles

Top Picks for high quality, Long-Lasting Wall and Floor Tiles When it comes to creating a luxurious and comfortable living space, one of the most crucial decisions you'll make is choosing the right floor tiles. These not only determine the overall aesthetics of your home but also play a significant role in how comfortable and durable your living space is. In this guide, we'll explore some of the best floor tile options that offer the perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and durability.

Difference between Ceramic Tiles & Porcelain Tiles

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles are both popular options for flooring, backsplashes, and other surfaces. While they may look similar, there are some key differences between the two.

Ceramic tiles are made from a mixture of clay, minerals, and water that is molded and then fired in a kiln. They are typically less dense and more porous than porcelain tiles, which can make them more prone to staining and chipping. However, ceramic tiles are generally less expensive than porcelain tiles.

Porcelain tiles are made from a specific type of clay that is fired at higher temperatures and under greater pressure than ceramic tiles. This process results in a denser, harder, and less porous tile that is more durable and resistant to water and staining. Porcelain tiles are also available in a wider range of colours, textures, and patterns than ceramic tiles.

Overall, if you are looking for a tile that is more durable and resistant to water and staining, porcelain tiles may be the better choice..

Luxury Tiles U.K